I don’t know if we’ve met yet. So in case we haven’t, let me take a minute to introduce myself.

I’d love to hear from you!
I’m Felicity Fields, formerly of Portland, Oregon. I gave up my apartment of 8 years in April 2014 to “try out” the nomadic lifestyle for 9 months.
I had no children, no spouse, and a business that allowed me to work from anywhere as long as there was a laptop and wifi. It was the perfect time to hit the road!
The first nine months were great – I spent 6 weeks in Wales, visited friends across the country, and spent 8 weeks in Montreal, Canada.
But when it was time to start making plans to settle down in 2015, I just kept right on making plans to keep traveling!
Over the last year and a half, I’ve had a lot of success finding people who want me to look after their homes and pets while they go on vacation. I lived in a Dublin row house for 5 weeks over Christmas, explored the Hampshire countryside in the UK for 6 weeks, stayed in a converted barn in rural France for 6 weeks, and became part of a community in Yorkshire, England for 6 months. (I even joined a women’s barbershop chorus!)
This blog is meant to be a forum for family, and new and old friends to follow my travels as I house-sit and travel around Europe, Canada, and the US.
When I started this blog, I had big dreams of updating it once a week. Unfortunately, I became so busy traveling and finding my next great adventure (and working), that I haven’t been very diligent about keeping it up. One of my goals for 2016 is to update more regularly, so hopefully you’ll be hearing from me every week or two. 🙂
Wherever the journey takes me, I’m glad you’re here!
If you want to be notified by email when I post an update (which will – I hope – be at least once a month), be sure to drop your name and email in the sign-up box on the right side of this page.
And of course, if you have a question, comment, travel suggestion, etc., please don’t hesitate to email me at felicity (at) felicityfields (dot) com.
Happy travels!
~ Felicity